I joined Final Cut in Shoreview in July 2010 following a very serious illness & a back injury that had left me without much feeling, let alone strength in my left side. I had been a ""LIfetime"" member (since their inception) & had felt i didn't matter at all to a club that had sifted away thousands of my hard earned $$. I can attest to the fact that not only am I (as is everyone) truly ""considered"" & ""cared for"" by the owners' Rick & Karla, but they have a system in place that individually caters to everyone's individual needs. I am probably fitter today than I have ever been in my adult life & I actually look forward to working out which is something I have never enjoyed. I recommend this to anyone no matter what your body , shoe size or fitness level is....all you need is the will.....they will help you get there.