Beware ? Do not mention the words ?puppy mill? in this store. The middle aged red haired sales clerk will chase you out. She could hardly take the money for our purchase because she was too busy berating me, the U.S. Government, the Amish and Oprah?s segment on puppy mills. This sales clerk (or owner) was out of control. As I said, she chased us out of the store saying that I insulted her. In a loud and aggravated voice she implied that mentioning a puppy mill was the same as calling a black man the ?N? word only she used the actual word in front of people on Duval Street. I was not accusing her I was asking a question, which is my right as a consumer. This sales clerk was very unprofessional and embarrassed my friends and myself, who by the way, have spent a lot of money in Key West during a 10 day vacation.