While it is easy to bash a church (any church) for the failures of its members, and to use words like ""cult"" to describe what you don't like, this church has been around for over 35 years with the same pastor-teacher. It is a sound ministry that is devoted to verse by verse teaching from the original languages. Believe me when I say that those that have posted previously could not exegete one verse in the Bible by themselves, but seem to have no problem attacking those that can. It is a rigorous hour of Bible teaching four times a week, which is designed to mature the believer spiritually, instruct him as to the issues of the faith, and equip him for the work of the ministry. Eph. 4:12 Do not go to this church if you have a problem with sinners that need God's grace, but since we are all in that boat, it is a good place to learn God's plan.