Go to facebook and seach Aloha Hydro Sports you would be suprised what you may find.... I know I was\r
to read all the post that were left about these people and how they do business... They are scam artist that just want your cc info or cash deposit. Yes an occasional 4-5 people might get on per day but they will definantly bump you for tha next person, especially if they already have your payment secure!!! Just watch ouit... Me and my 3 children ( on of which is blind and has anoxic brain damage) were out for a fun filled labor day.... looking forward to getting my babies out on the lake for the day.I contacted this company Sunday morining and asked if he had a SKI Boat avaliable and he said... Yes I do @ 4 oclock. I explained to him that I did have a daughter with special needs and it would be really hard to have her out all day and into the night so could he guaruntee my reservation. I also inquired about the all day rate and he told me for $550 cash he could bump the other person and just tell them something came up. I said no... that is ok and just stayed with my 4 oclock although by now I was questioning his character. Anyhow... wanted a fun day so I pack up my babies and we drive 1 1/2 hours to get to lake lewisville... We arrive @ around 12 and the game plan was going to be play @ the beach for a couple of hours then go get in the boat... NOPE ... they had another plan. Get my cc info, bill me , and never show up....Anyways so when we get down there I call and speak with a young lady and just explained to her that I had a bad feeling and just wanted to reconfirm the reservation I had just made 1 hour ago. She confirmed and recomfimed that they had me in a SKI boat @ 4 pm and to meet them around 330 for paper work. @ 3:15 he calls me and says can you take a Poontoon Boat... I said No, I could have gotten a poontoon boat anywhere ... I wanted a ski boat... I explained the importance in this as the normal prep time for our family is a little different and I expressed this to him on numerous occasions. so they call me back and say that the boat is not going to be avaliable anymore today... but were willing to work me a deal on anther weeked... this is 30 minutes before my reservation... So because I knew how important it was I asked about jet skis... He said yes ... he would bump someone else and give me a jet ski for 2 hours.... R U SERIOUS!!!! What TYPE OF BUSINESS IS THIS???? Now he took my money and didnt give me a boat, jet ski... and then told me ... Write a bad report I dont care... You are only one person.... Well Mr. Aloha... I am one extreemly driven woman with nothing but time on my hands. I will personally make sure you upcoming weekends suck as bad as you made ours suck!!!! The address to find him is 101 lake park rd... He will meet you in the parking lot of the little red and white corner store.... I would give you the car description but I am pressing charges and cant disclose that info.... Good luck