The prices are too good to be true and you get what you pay for. He will beat any other optician in price and possibly sell you an inferior lens product in the process and you will get treated to the most sloppy substandard lab work one can imagine on your frames. I made multiple trips and simply gave up after they allegedly reordered lenses and standard items to mount the lenses they falsely claimed were not in stock. This is a place for a no-nothing tourist to get hosed not a resident of south florida. The quality of the on premises lab is atrocious and the opticians if they have licenses working in the lab are incompetent. Buy the frames and negotiate you best price on the frames only and then head straight out the door to some other optician for the lab work or send your frames out of town if necessary and wait with another optician. Do not let them do any mounting of lenses or any lab work on your frame purchase. Buyer beware.