I sadly must agree that they are all about making money. We took our 16 week old puppy in after she was stung by a bee because she is only a tiny 4 pound yorkie. I called and said she was stung by a wasp (I pulled it out of her mouth)and she was having problems breathing. They said to IMMEDIATLY bring her in for a benadryl shot and anti inflammatory shot which I did. They said they were going to keep her to observe her because her tongue/face was swollen to make sure medicine worked. Fine, very worried about her. They called a few hours later, picked her up brought her home. She was laying on my lap totally exhausted when lo and behold I saw something sticking out of her lip? It was the STINGER to the bee, they NEVER removed it after ""observing"" her for THREE hours! Pathetic and sad, my husband pulled it out while I held her down. Had a huge bill for that and they didn't even see/look/ or care enough to remove the stinger! Will not return. If anyone knows a good vet please let me know. thanks