I have just moved into this utilities district. I certainly have to agree with all previous reviewers that this is a very unprofessional and run-down company. Their office tells it all.
However, the water rates are plain outrageous. The sewage charge seems only(!) around 20% more expansive than surrounding counties. But the water rates are unbelievable. Knox Utilities Board charges $10.00 below 1500 gallons, $3.20 for each additional 750 gallons (outside city rates), in the Clinton Utilities district it looks similar, although their info on the internet is a bit outdated. Hallsdale-Powell takes $19.49 below 1500, $7.18 each additional1000 gallons. Compared to KUB this is a surplus of 95% in minimal charge and almost 70% per 1000 gallons. I can perhaps even understand the higher minimal charge, but why this ridiculous rate per 1000 gallons? Does water become such much more precious when it crosses county lines? Hardly in TN, I would say. I wonder if such prices are actually legal and if there is something we can do...