I went to Dr. Bob for the first time this week and came home gushing about his down to earth style and customer service. I have a 10 year old German Shephard with hip dysplasia and nerve damage. Dr. Bob sat on the floor with me and talked to me about options for treatment and for keeping my baby pain free for as long as possible. He went out of his way to help me identify some lower cost options since the medications are going to need to be taken for a long time (hopefully) and even told me places to go where the prices were lower.\r
I have been paying $75 A WEEK to my previous vet to administer a shot to my dog, Dr. Bob charged my $25 and said they would waive the office visit charge anytime I needed to come back for another one. \r
Between the personal service and the significantly discounted prices all four of our dogs will never go to another vet. He is exactly the type of small town vet I expected to meet when moving to Alvin. \r
Just as a note, be prepared to wait a little longer for service as Dr. Bob is not one to rush through his patients and wait time may be shorter or longer depending on how much time and attention each client needs. A small inconvience for such one on one attention!