I went to the benchmark company office because my mother said she try to rent her house and benchmark made a hard time for her. When I got to benchmark to help my mother they proved me that they did everything right but that my mother did not finish the papers. They showed me all the notes they made and all the times they try to call my mother and get papers. Even the owner of the company came out and spend more than 1 hour with me to show why there is a problem. After maybe 2 hours I finally got good result and told my mother that problem was not benchmark fault. I was very happy with what benchmark people did for me and I know now that they had a hard time with my mother but not there fault. Before I left the owner of the company ask me if I was satisfied and I told him that they all did a great job and I understand the problem was my mother fault. The owner ask me to write this message to tell about what I find out. The benchmark really is a very very good company and no body will have a problem if they do what they are supposed to do. Realluy they are great. Sorry for my bad English.