We had taken our basset hound to another local vet for an ear infection after $3000 and 6 months the vet started talking about plastic surgery for the dog's ear. At that point we knew it was time to RUN quickly to another vet. \r
We did some research and found Dr. Kastner. The first thing he did was to get down on the floor with the dog the dog thought he was getting loved on and petted, but he was really checking him out. He did a test and found that the ear infection could be treated with a $5.00 prescription from Walmart instead of the very expensive and incorrect antibiotic the other vet had him on and within a matter of weeks the ear was better and has stayed that way. \r
Now we are moving 2 hours away but we love Dr. Kastner so much that we will gladly make the trip back down to Phoenix for regular vet visits.