I received this e-mail and in the subject line it mentioned hiring outside loan officers. The timing couldn't have been any better since my existing company was merging with a bank and the policy would not allow for out side loan officers. Being stuck in an office waiting on clients to come to me is not my style. I need to be mobile to go where they are and available to meet new clients out in the real world. I simply responded to the e-mail stating what I was looking for, how long I have been in the business, a brief work history, and my goals. I was contact via phone by a representive of Apple One Employment Service and asked if they could forward my information on to a prospect who was hiring. Not long after that, I received a call from the CEO of Town & County Home Loans. It was funny because I had just arrived at a track meet for my son. It was noisy and I wasn't even sure where I was going. The man on the other end of the phone was very sweet and took much time to explain to me about his company, vision, and goals. He had already read enough information on me that he expressed interest. It was so different from other interviews and I loved it! I met with him later that week and was hired. This is exactly what I was looking for and I can't be more pleased. Apple One Employment Service really takes time to match people to what they are truly interest in and that is refreshing.
Pros: Fast, thorough, and a perfect match.
Cons: No draw backs. Just easy and convenient.