Sounds like your plugging your (special friend) Jerry.\r
And I doubt seriously you have one eighth the experience you claim, it shows in your retoric.\r
We here around the lake are a hoard of very proud survivalists and we don't need your Bostonion attitudes here. Personally I have never seen a weapon handleing mistake in my life at Dietz range. And the Range Master is not the type to stay on your case, but have no mistake, he will remove a violator from the premises if he sees a safety issue. The gentlemen who run the place welcome information on any safety issues. And they will jump to resolve the problem. They can also provide you with endless years of weapons knowledge from load data to early firearms and Black powder questions. And yes I can shoot one of my many AK-47s there. Never fired and only dropped once. So keep your Yankee keister at home or go visit Bandera gun range. Now theres a place to remember. Need a beer while you shoot skeet? Wanna try out that new gas chamber in your AK? Get real and go home
Pros: Good Local, Knowledgable staff. Supplies Galore
Cons: The Bad Review I Read In This Thread by serram1025