i lived @ z-place for almost a year and id like to say it is the most gedoist place to live when i first got there i said hmm its ok then after living there a while i relided it was horrible.\r
1.the parking. there is no parking i hated this there would only be parking when you dont have anything to carry upsatirs BUT when you have grocwerys EVERYone wants to park infront of our housencasing you to walk a mile back and forth \r
2.theres some lady that feeds thoes rats with wings they crap all over the place cars every where. magment dose not do a notihng about it even thoe eery has compined \r
3.the BUGS there are nasty ass buggs in the homes theres roches aunts everyhting they try to say its an el paso problumBS i moved 3 blocks away and i havent even seen a fly in my new house\r
4. the pool it says a nice cool sparking pool more like an empty pool there is no pool they dont let you swin something about it being butly wronf\r
5. the mangors barly speak english\r
6.they tryed to say my mom dint pay her bill wich made my mom uoset cuz i was with her when she paid it so i found the recet and cussed thoes ptas out.\r
7.there is so much drug use going on there its not funny im a teenaer nd i see enough of it as is alredy\r
8.theres people trashing picking everyday and people brack into your mailbxes I WAS HAPPY TO LEAVE