I had moved here in 2011. I have been unhappy here. It's ghetto, period. The only reason i did not move was because i was way too far along in my pregnancy to move, and needed to extra money for my baby. I am going to suck it up for one more year. The carpet is so cheap that's tearing apart. I had a ceiling leak that took two months to repair. A request gets put in it won't get tended to until weeks later. It seems like this place is falling apart. I happen to lo under my kitchen sink, the garbage disposal cord is frayed with exposed wires. I am afraid of those place catching fire one day!! The playground seems like a hazard as well. The walls a chipping and the cabinets seems to be painted several times. In general, it looks like a child painted the place. I moved in there were paint spots all over the carpet. The only great thing about this place is the location and the maintenance team works very hard. Oh and to top it off how awful this place is, my child happen to trip outside the office and asked if i could rinse his mouth since it was full of dirt, we were told the bathroom was for employees only!! Bottom line... Don't move here!!!!!!