I adopted a 3 1/2 month old puppy from shelter. On Saturday 2 days after we brought him home he starting throwing up and would not eat this continued threw Sunday as well. Sunday night I called a friend who works with animals and she tested him for Parvo he was positive for it. Parvo is a horribly deadly virus that dogs can get from not being vaccinated. Because it was a weekend my normal vet clinic was not open so I brought him to this emergency animal hospital. Vet checked him out and said that he needed to stay in the hospital because he needed an IV and antibiotics. Vet also informed me that because he was such a big dog and because I brought him in soon after symptoms started he had more than a 50% chance that he would be fine. It was a holiday weekend so I had to pick him up Tuesday morning. I called to check on him Monday night and was told that he was doing much better he is wagging his tail and that he was going to be fine. When he was picked up Tuesday morning he was acting a little hype up like he was given some kind of adrenaline (no I do not know this to be factual but can only assume because of what happen next). The vet then said to me that he was a very sick dog and needed to see my regular vet right away. Not 10 min after he was picked up, the dog went completely lifeless. He was breathing but could not move. when I picked him up out of the car he could not even hold his head up it was horrible. That poor dog was in pain and was not going to make it throughout the day.He began throwing up due to him being so weak he could not even move out of it. I then knew what i have never evan wanted to consider doing but i could not leave hime suffer. I called my friend and had him put to sleep. The medicine that they give to put animals to sleep usually takes about 10 minutes to work, when he was administered the drug it took only a few seconds before he was gone. I called this hospital to find out how he could go from doing much better to me having to have him put to sleep in a matter of 8 hours. I was told that he got really bad over night if that is true I want to know why I was not notified I would have had him put to sleep then instead of having him suffer. I was very uneducated as to what parvo was I had never heard of it before so when I was told by the vet a person that should know about this virus that he had more than a 50% chance that he would be ok and being told the night before he was to be picked up that he was doing much better I believed that he was going to be ok, but as you can see that was not the case at all. If a sick dog is given several shots of antibiotics that are suppose to help and all the other things that he was suppose have been given during at least the 24 hours that he was there how did he get worse. I would never bring another animal to this hospital again due to the fact that I do not trust them. Now I know why they make you pay for services before the services are even performed. Paid this hospital hundreds of dollars to help a sick dog which is not what happen they made him worse