I started going to Mary Sabo at Source Healing in June 2009 for infertility after a year of trying to conceive. I had been told by a specialist I had low ovarian reserve and therefore would have difficulty conceiving. The specialist recommended in-vitro, but I wasn't ready and wanted to try a more holistic approach first. My cycles were very unpredictable and I was hoping to even things out a bit. Mary recommended we start acupuncture, combined with herbs and a special diet. By month three of this regime, I found out I was pregnant! I continued to see Mary throughout my first trimester until my husband and I relocated to San Diego. Mary is the utmost professional. Always on time. Always calm and encouraging. She always knew what I needed out of a session. She even predicted I would have a boy...which I did on June 6, one day after his due date. Mary helped me realize my dream of becoming a mom! I am so very thankful!
p.s. I also saw Brian for one session when Mary was out of town. He is wonderful, as well.