As a home owner: treated me unrespectively when they are taking about 8-10% of my rent as a management company.\r
Secondly, lower my rent without my consent and without even notifying me about the change.\r
Their tenant as well as mine: I have had complaints from tenants whenever I run over to visit my house to see if the management is doing their job as I am paying them to do so. It's hard enough for me to reach them as a management company, How are the tenants able to do so??? I'm frustrated in the bad quality of work they are doing with managing my home and taking care of the tenants.\r
Propective Owner or Renters: Make sure that you have a reasonable person to contact. They might have a lot more choices to pick from but I'd let you know that I will no longer be working with homepointe after this last issues.
Cons: Rediculously unreasonable!