First time i visit McQueen LA shop, i was looked down by the staff. It seems like they have preference on the service. It's ok for me since i only want to grasp a piece of scarf for my friend. I walked through the rack and check the color, the staff just stop by and ask if everything is ok. It is normal and standard for the staff to greet and help. Even that person did the standard thing but we can surely feel there is no service mind and friendly at all.
I only ask how much of the scarf since it is hard to find the tag. The staff just stop by and said ""They are all the same price. every color"".... Ok gal. I just pick one and ask the new one then pay. What an easy customer i am.
Next day i returned for 2 more pieces. In my head ""All are the same price"" I grasp the one and ask for 2 new pcs. The same staff is totally changed!!!! She smiley said ""Oh I'll get them for you"" Oh Wow. A power of money!!!!!
I return home and find that the new 2 pcs is more expensive so my friend call for the detail. What we got is ""No return Policy"" ""This is impossible that all color will be the same price"" ""There must be some mistakes on the tag""
Is that all your professional ?????
Any Sorry word??????????
From now on, i think no more McQueen for me.
Even my friend !
McQueen is died so did his brand if they still has the bad service arrogant staff in that store.