I took my one and only trip to Bari on a night when it was not so busy and the atmosphere was calm. I was on a date and am a vegetarian so I asked if some of the menu items could be altered a bit to acommodate (ex. leave out ham). After the waiter went to put in our order, he came back and I was told that they were not able to change any of the menu items because the chef ""thought it would ruin the integrity of his dish""..... I asked for one item to be left off of a salad. Needless to say it was a bad experience. Not to mention that the portions are sized like tapas but priced like gourmet entrees. Not worth it - there are plenty of other restaurants to choose from. Sidenote - if you just go to the bar for wine and cheese expect a great time and good wine.
Pros: Great Wine Bar
Cons: Chef unreasonable - ok food for $$$