Poor guy, every week somebody else gets scapegoated on his highway sign. The UN, ACLU, minorities, Democrats, teachers, academics, etc... pretty much the usual litany expected from the good little fox news follower. I have never met the man but then I usually stay away from clearly unstable individuals seething with rage and hate. Surely I'm not alone in thinking that it's a matter of time before he snaps and goes on a rampage.
To all the morons who say he has a first amendment to speak out, yes he does. Of course all of you self-profess constitutional scholars know that the first amendment is only about government preventing free speech. It has absolutely nothing to do with someone stating some stupid positions on a highway sign and then being called on it here. Nice try though.
Pros: Hasn't used any of his guns yet on some innocent party
Cons: Owner doesn't feel comfortable in a democracy