In America, we are all enitled to our beliefs, opinions, freedom of religion, etc. If you are afraid to hear and entertain the realistic, down to earth, Honest opinion of a fellow American, then shame on you! This asault on a fellow American who is freely expressing his honest views and opinions is unexceptable and Un-American. Is Bill shaming you? Condemning you? He is expressing his righjts of freedom of speech under the Constitution of the United States of America!! Remember the Constitution? Do those of you in protest of Bill's comments remember that clause relating to freedom of speech? YES, I understand you're expressing your freedom as well. These blogs allow people who may be incapable of dealing with reality and/or are non confrontational to express views which may never be vocalized otherwise. Have you engaged in a formal debate with Bill? Can you provide statistics, data, or documentation as clearly as Bill? Don't be a coward and hide behind the cloak of the internet. Bill invites your opinion/debate and is man enough to listen to you and evaluate your side. You never know, you may enligthen him! He invites you to prove him wrong, But, I'm sorry, its just easier to slam him and those of us who express the same views from a cowardess position.
Pros: informative, and direct
Cons: no one is perfect