I decided to sell some boys clothes to the Children's Orchard store. I felt like the amount I was offered to purchase the clothes was far too little, but it was my own fault for leaving the store without questioning the owner.\r
The pricing system was not fully explained to me and I was under the impression that I would receive 50% of the selling price which I was fine with. The items the store purchased were in really good condition and I ended up getting less than $1.00 per item. I sold 17 pieces and walked away with less than $11.00 in cash (I was offered just under $14 in store credit). That's ridiculous considering a few items had the tags still on them and the button-down collared shirts were really nice. \r
I did call the owner later and explained that I wasn't very happy but realized all sales were final. She was nice but I still felt like I had been taken advantage of in a major way.