I would not give him a rating except I'm being forced to.\r
After reading all the rave reviews about Antoine, I was excited to give him a try. During our consultation he told me his great ideas for my hair and I thought great, he knows what I need and what to do. I couldn't have been more wrong. I went for my appointment and as we agreed I would do, told him I had just colored my own hair. Somewhere during the time he was doing my highlights he forgot I told him that I had just done my hair color. He let me process too long and needless to say my very brunette hair had hideous BLONDE STREAKS!!! Thick, bulky blonde streaks. After numerous attempts to tone down the blonde, 3 hours later the color was still bad and I HAD TO PAY FOR IT!!! Ridiculous. Of course I had to have another professional do an all-over color to my hair in order to tone down his mistake. \r
Do you think I let him cut my hair after that? NO!\r
Oddly enough, I later recalled that I had tired him out to do my wedding hair and I didn't like him then. Wish I remembered that before I spent $200.
Cons: Antoine!