Once upon a time, Steuben's had great vegetarian and vegan menus. They dropped those over a year ago and have had only one decent vegetarian dish since then -- the vegetarian chili relleno. Non-vegetarians seem to like Steuben's food, but having only one solitary vegetarian dish can be pretty monotonous.\r
Their service is usually average to below average, but can dip down to awful. Yesterday, I ordered my vegetarian chili relleno the same time that my friends ordered their various dishes. The server brought out their dishes and said mine would be right out. The server didn't bring out anything for me until my friends were finishing up their meals, and he had the wrong dish! Some chicken thing. Worse, he insisted that I had actually ordered the chicken thing and didn't back down until my friends all also told him he was wrong. Then he tried to talk me into accepting the chicken thing instead of getting the right dish.
Pros: location
Cons: bad service, dropped veggie menu