me and my spouse saved all our money and bought a susuki suv for our family.... little that we knew the car didnt last us 24 hours. we was promised that the car was in good condition and then it broke down (didnt want to start) while we were in mcdonald drive right across from pfluger auto center waipahu. it was embarrassin plus we had our small kids with us. when we walked across the street, over to pfluger waipahu and told them about it they just LAUGHED...and said that we cant get our money back because we signed papers.... can u believe that...they must have cold hearts dey dont care about my family nor anyone for that matter. GOD WILL BUNISH THEM FOR ALL THEIR CORRPUTIONS..... PLEASE DONT GO THERE.... WALK AWAY AND DONT BUY INTO THEIR TRICKS......
Pros: n/a