I was referred to Buddha's Garage from two good friends who I know would never steer me wrong. I was just needing some front end brakes done and my yoya(toyota) was having a shaky issue that I really needed to get taken care of- not part of the major toyota recall stuff, this baby has 230,000 glorious miles on it. Being a single mother on a budget, I really feared taking it to a franchise place to just have some cocky older beer belly guy talk down to me for being a girl that doesn't get scheduled maintenance done right at the time it should be done and then ask me to fork over 400-600 of my hard earned dollars and pressure me to also get 2 or 3 other things done, and leave my car for a day or so. NONE OF THIS HAPPENED AT BUDDHA'S GARAGE!!!!!!!!! It was like I was an actual human being!!!
Pros: honesty and great work at a great price
Cons: none really