Windward Construction performed carpentry jobs for two of our HOA neighbors last summer. One of them was happy with the work and the other was not. The dissatisfied neighbor told us that the Windward owner, Matt Greer, repeatedly failed to honor time and date agreements and kept changing them at the last minute and that building her wooden portico of about 80 sq. ft. took six or seven weeks to complete. We observed this and indeed it did take much too long simply becausee Mr. Greer, apparently, had more jobs going than he could deal with in a timely manner. However, since he was batting 500 we decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. After unilaterally canceling one and altering the time of the other; he failed to keep two meetings set to reveiw the job and sign an agreement with us (literally at the last minute), and after Mr. Greer failed to send us (as he had promised us in writing he would do) a PDF of his contract prior to our signing it, we, his newest customer, confronted Mr. Greer with these facts and told him we expected him to keep his verbal agreements. He became defensive and refused to accept accountability. He fired himself from the job, brusquely gave us our deposit back and left. Later, he tried to blame us in an email for hasseling him about his contract document when in fact we had confronted him about not keeping his verbal agreements or changing them in a timely and repsepctful manner. We suggest you not engage with this contractor unless you are willing to let him end run his agreements. Thomas & Allyn Fisher, Garden Home/Beaverton, Oregon.
Pros: Ambitious
Cons: Unilaterally Changes Verbal Agreements