rushed me out of her office in less than 30 seconds. i showed her my lip that i had to get something removed and without even putting on gloves said ""i'll just cut it out"" than proceed to tell me that she had no time to do it now because she was going on vacation and ""didn't want to deal with it now"" she said to reschedule and actually billed my insurance for a 30 second visit and i had to pay a copay for something she could have told me over the phone. when i asked her what she was going to do exactly so i could feel more comfortable she just rolled her eyes and said ""I told you i'm going to cut it out! that's all you need to know"" i told everyone about my terrible experience even when making an appointment for a new dermatologist and i told them about the doctor from hell with out even saying her name and everyone said ""oh yeah, Dr. Ly. she's terrible, just run."" I STRONGLY SUGGEST THAT FOR ALL OF YOU! i don't need that wack job malpracticeing all over my face.