Have replaced two aged TV's both with the help of Flint Audio. I'll never forget their caring and thoughful visit on one of those ocassions when my old Sony died. I was struggling with a very painful sciatic nerve injury. All movement was difficult for me. The doctor prescribed complete rest. Using the TV remote i turned on my TV for some entertainment - and it fizzled out, screen went totally black. I was devasted!. It would take weeks for my injury to heal and I lived alone. I needed a TV to help the time to pass. I called your store for help. Your staff brought out a loaner TV that afternoon plus the product order papers I requested so I could order a brand new Sony - the model I had recently been admiring in your Middletown store
To insure that I was safe, The team also check my surge protector and other electrica hook-ups that day to be certain there were no electrical issues . Not knowing why my TV had suddenly died I was concerned. Flint staff went beyond ordinary salesmanship and service, they gave me caring and friendship. I spent mamy weeks resting and watching that loaner TV while my hip healed. When my new TV arrived, the staff checked and reckedk al my video/electrical hookups again. You don't get service like that at a big box store where a different salesperson is on duty each day.
Thank you Flint Audio. Oh, by the way - it's time to replace that 27 in "big" Sony TV again.
The 46" Sony KDL 700 series is on my Santa list this year so I can download from Netflix and connect with my computer. .... and my hip is all better.
Jan Wheeler Newport. .