Today while I was driving from the post office in fleetwood I saw a car hit a cat. I slammed on my brakes and tried to jumpout but it was right in fron tof the middle school so i had to wait to back up.i jumped out while other cars sill kep going nobody stopped or tried to get the driver who ran off. The cat was twitching and I thought it just needed to get up until Igot to the across the street and realized it was pouring blood from a head wound. I realized a vet was right across the street so I stop traffic and ran across the street when i got in side i asked for help i didnt want the cat to die or suffer but I didnt knwo what to do. They went into the vets office ame out an one of the girl came out with me but the cat had already died. she sent me for plastic bags so we could get him out of the street. when i ran back they two ladies at the front desk said ""no "" they werent giving me anything an dtell the other worker to come in they are calling mount vernon they arent picking up a cat on the street. the cat was gorgeous weighed more than my min pin so it was someones pet who possiblygot out by mistake !! The attitude and the fact they showed nocompassion and they are vets was the worse ! I have heard horrible things about this place and thats why for 5 years ive taken my dog to scarsdale or mount vernon ave !!! I think they are in the wrong business because i saw no compassion for thet porr cat from anyone besides myself and the one girl at the desk who helped me !!!20 thumbs down !!!