I am a Vascular surgeon that required extremely complex nasal reconstruction. Dr. Portnoy performed the operation with success that few in the country could have delivered. His skills as a reconstructive surgeon are beyond most words. Suffice it to say that I would highly recommended him as I have to my wife who desires but mere facial filler injections. Being a surgeon myself, I know that Dr. Portnoy is more qualified than the far majority if not all dermatologists to perform all procedures for he has not just studied the underlying structures but has literally been there countless times. I personally know many dermatologist of the highest positions in their field but I must say a dermatologist, as well as they may be trained, has not been to the areas physically as a surgeon has been. I trust Dr. Portnoy to perform any facial procedure, deep or superficial, due to his knowledge and experience. Lastly, as proven by his extremely difficult and complicated procedure upon me he has something that can never be taught but only developed, extreme TALENT. I hope this was helpful for those choosing a doctor, for as I stated Dr. Portnoy is a doctor's doctor and they are rare, very rare.