I'm writing this letter now while I should be preparing my sermon for tomorrow. They roped my wife and I into signing up our daughter. It is VERY expensive but they sell you on the longevity, how slow a process it is, etc. Basically if you really believe that you or your child has talent, you do NOT need to go through this sort of firm. Go to an actual agent, you should not have to pay for anything up front. If the agency doesn't think you or your child has potential, they'll say no. And while that may hurt your ego, at least they wont lead you on just so they can take your money. Interface wont turn down anyone that can pay.
My wife and I justified every red flag that we saw because we thought our daughter has some talent and potential. They knew EXACTLY what buttons to press to make us go forward. They played to My ego, to our love for our daughter, to everything. And then the one guy tried to play off the fact that I was a pastor, he said that I should sign up to be a model and this last time they even went so far as to suggest that I should sign up because I can do ""voiceover"" work...basically we got played, and now I'm scrambling to run to the post office so that I can send an overnight certified letter to cancel this in my very short 3 day window.
Id say, ""if you had money"" go right ahead and sign up. But when I think about who I saw when I was there, there really weren't a lot of well to do people. People with resources KNOW how the industry works and they would just go to the agencies themselves, just as anyone should.
When I took two seconds to google this firm, check out reviews, and then thought about the process, I am SO GLAD that my three days aren't up. I wish that I could go back down there, and tell all of the families there, that they are being played. I would have never thought this could happen to me, but it did. I'm so glad its not too late to fix it.
We already lost some money on the photo shoot, a lot actually. But at least we got a great bunch of photos for our daughter. But its time to pull the plug now. Stay FAR FAR AWAY!