The best Lawn---Garden in Milford are:

      Rating: 4.4
Category: Trees
70 Boylston St
Milford, Connecticut 06461
(203) 878-2590
It is unfortunately rare these days when you get what you pay for, even rarer when you get more than you pay for. For this reason, I`d like to... More
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      Rating: 5.0
Category: Landscaping
18 Plains Rd
Milford, Connecticut 06461
(203) 267-9719
Thanks so much for your continued hard work. I have received numerous comments on the work you have done for me. Your conscientious attention to... More
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      Rating: 4.0
Category: Lawn Care

Milford, Connecticut 06460
(203) 878-3355
If you need help with your lawn, call the Lawn Doctor of Milford and Straford. They will come to your home and give you a free lawn evaluation,... More
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