So, i saw what peoples were writting and thought I had to give the facts about working for Digital Cable for almost 4 years.\r
They were good times, and not so good.\r
Never had to worry about getting paid.\r
Never had to worry about being laid off.\r
Had good health/dental insurance.\r
26% Bonus every month just for doin my job.\r
Didn't have to pay for anything but my tools.\r
Anytime i was pissed i could talk to the boss.\r
Would get a job where a tech did crappy work, and i would have to fix it.\r
One week i worked 70 hours and only averaged about $10 per hour. The 30 hours overtime was nice though.\r
Slow times would only work like 35 hours when it was slow.\r
Had to go to tech meetings on Friday morning.\r
Had to go to safety meetings and training meetings at 6:30 in the morning sometimes.\r
Only 7 days paid vacation to start.\r
There it is just the facts, if you don't believe me send me an email and we can talk.\r
I left for a better job, and now all i got is someone on my back 9 hours a day and don't get any overtime.