Upon moving to Round Rock, I heard about Celebration Church, so thought I would try it out. We walked in and were given tickets to buy coffee, sat down and after about 10 minutes were offended by the pastor with ""fake white teeth"" wearing make up like a movie star. There is NO reason for a pastor to wear make up and live in a million dollar home. Sorry! That's making a profit off the Lord.
He then went on to talk horrible about Al Frankin that he sat by on a plane. Calling him a liberal in a degrading way. THAT IS NOT HOW A Pastor ACTS, that is how a baby christian acts. How are you going to react negatively to someone in the world you are commanded to love and attempt to teach me the word? God commands to you to love others, not just those who agree with you in a worldly political debate.
I wrote and email saying that I was offended did I take that wrong, I am a guest. I got in return a rude email. Really?
I have read some reviews, people say this isn't true, well it is. I was sitting there, my family didn't make it up, just to write a review. Seriously?
The sheer number of 1 star reviews, should make you prayerfully consider this church.