Before my first colonic, I had major fear that the insertion of a tube would hurt and I imagined the water would blast through my colon like a fire hose and cause some kind of damage. I wanted the benefits I?d heard about; more energy, a flatter belly and knowing that trapped waste and gas, environmental and food toxins had been cleaned out of my colon. So I got up my nerve and went to see Louretta Walker at BodyZAlive. \r
I had a wonderful experience. Nothing hurt! The whole process was extremely gentle, even pleasurable. Afterward, I felt centered, calm and full of energy. I was totally safe in the hands of Louretta. She has years of experience. She is very personable and has a healing and reassuring manner. I highly recommend all the colon therapists at BodyZAlive. I?m so glad I didn?t succumb to my unwarranted fears! I now receive colonics on a regular basis. I consider it the best preventative, natural treatment for my overall health and well?being. G Powers, WaveMaker coa