I was recently a new patient of this office. I switched from my original dentist due to a new health-care plan. Initially, I was super impressed with the office-- they gave me a little gift when I arrived and the dentist seemed very knowledgeable. \r
The good experience ended there. I had about $2K worth of work done (a crown). At that appointment they had a dental tech assisting who was clearly a trainee. I am certain of this because there was another dental tech standing outside the room telling her how to hold the instruments. Throughout the procedure she seemed really uncertain and made me a little nervous. For my follow up appointment, I was again provided with the same dental tech (the trainee). She was unable to figure out how to properly turn on the nitrous oxide and needed help. Another dental tech came to replace her because she was having trouble taking my temporary crown off. \r
After the appointment, I realized I had accidentally not followed the correct payment procedures my company requires for reimbursement. When I called to get help on this, the office manager was really rude. She wouldn't allow me to finish my sentence and kept interrupting me by saying ""it's impossible!"" and ""there's nothing I can do."" I told her I felt she was being rude and not very customer centric. I even emphasized to her that it was indeed my mistake and that if it wasn't reversed I would have to eat the cost. She didn't seem to care and even told me ""it's not my responsibility to know how you're supposed to pay for your dental work."" I was very upset by the interaction but dismissed it as a cranky office worker. Since I was able to work the payment out through my work, I didn't follow up and mention the interaction to Dr. Sala-- I thought it was probably just a fluke since the rest of his office staff was fairly nice. \r
After all of this, I received a (certified!) letter from the office stating they were discontinuing the dentist patient relationship. Since there was no explanation as to why, I called the office. They stated (and I quote!) the dentist ""dismissed"" me due to my interaction with the office manager about the payment. I was totally floored. The dentist never even contacted me to understand my perspective on the interaction. I found the whole experience to be very negative and would certainly not recommend this office to anyone. \r