Turn your home into the best restaurant in Boston.\r
I will start this post by telling you two things. #1. I'm a bit of a food snob. #2. I don't do posts. \r
I'm making this my first ever post because my wife and I have had the pleasure of experiencing (and what an experience it is) Mike's culinary talents on several occasions and it's worth noting. \r
Mike’s ability to blend and layer various flavors is truly remarkable. Instead of assaulting your taste buds with a barrage of flavors (like so many chefs today), Mike’s technique coaxes the flavors out of meats and vegetables. You experience a wonderful flavor when first put it into your mouth then, like a fine wine, a remarkable finish after you swallow. That’s the best description I can give you when I refer to his layering technique. \r
My wife and I eat out quite often at some of the finer restaurants in Boston, but the best meals we have all year long are the ones Mike cook for us right here in our own home. We can’t recommend him high enough. \r