This company is by far the worst. Ken Ray is a sick man and extremly RUDE! He sent me a letter that said in bold letters: ""YOU HAVE FAILED TO PAY THIS ACCOUNT. DO NOT IGNORE YOUR DEBT. CALL ME IMEDIATELY TO DISCUSS HOW TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR DEBT, OR EVEN BETTER, MAIL THE AMOUNT SHOWN ABOVE""... For a bill that was already paid. And when I asked where did this bill originate from he told me I had to contact a lawyer and that he couldn't give me legal advise. Then hung up in my face. So I called him back to ask to speak to a supervisor and he told me he was the supervisor and that I couldn't speak to anyone else. I said can I speak to your boss and he told me I had to do it in writing. Pissed me off. Something needs to be done with this company seriously because people shouldn't be able to do this to other people. I told him to kiss my A** and that he wouldn't get a single penny from me!.. Avoid this company by any means. He can make you very angry!!!