Hi everyone! My name is K.Knight. I have been reading the reviews for Dr. Rispler, and I cannot even imagine the patients who rate him without trying any of his treatments! I noticed that people who write the good reviews are actually real patients who underwent treatment at his facility. I was disturbed when people complained about price. This is a major medical procedure. Of course it is not going to cost the same as a facial at a spa! I never thought it would when I first went in, so I actually thought it was very very fair. I signed up with my mom, I guess we have the same genes. We agree 100% with the positive reviews. Who can deny Dr. Rispler's talent? No wonder why he is well known! My mom looks so young, it's ridiculous. She gloats about it to all her 5 sisters! I had severe scars, and the Dr. even got rid of my freckles. He even got rid of my brow burns (long story, someone lit my face on fire)! Not funny at all. Anyhoo, I am really disturbed at the bad reviews, I mean... don't you actually have to be a real patient to write a review! Shame on those people hot tempered because they couldn't afford it! Don't expect it to be spa prices. To me, it was very very affordable!