Our 8 mo old puppy was hit by a car yesterday when she accidently got out of the house. We immediately rushed her to the clinic and she was taken in the back. I was put in a room by myself and then they bought out an inital "estimate" of over $300. When I asked what this would cover I was told that it would only pay for walking in the door and x-rays. When I asked what they thought was wrong with her I was told that she definately had a broken leg but that there were probable internal injuries. I asked what the cost would be if all they found was the broken leg and was told that they didn't do surgery there and that the would splint it and I would have to take her to another vet where the surgery to repair the leg would cost around $1500. They finially brought her into the room so I could see her and she was having trouble breathing. I asked if she did have internal damage if she could be saved. They said that until I paid for the x-rays they were not going to tell me anything further.