We'd heard raves about Justine's so we went there for dinner one evening. Early, b/c we'd heard the wait for a table could be a couple of hours and we hate that. So we get there at 6:30 and the tables are full. The hostess says we can sit outside if we want. We say ""It's raining!"" and she says ""Well, that one table has an umbrella. Maybe you won't get wet."" So we asked if we could eat at the bar, which had about four vacant places. She said yes, and I ordered ratatouille. My friend ordered something else, I forget what. The ratatouille was about five times saltier than it needed to be, and overcooked. My friend's dinner was okay, but nothing to rave about. So I guess the main attraction of Justine's is the socializing aspect. It's great for that. If we go again we'll bring several friends...and probably eat before we go.
Pros: Good place to hang out with friends and drink
Cons: Stupid hosting, salty ratatouille