My husband and I decided to travel to Petersburg after some site-seeing in Seneca Rocks. We were refered here as being the the closest town to us. We decided that you can't go wrong with your faithful 'chains"" so we chose Pizza Hut. We now regret this decision.... The first thing noticed was the stickiness of the menus and flip menu on the table and the splashes of food on the window seal. This is when we should have left. The waitress took our order and placed down white plates, one of which had a large black hair on it. My husband placed it to the side and said to be sure we asked for new one. We then recived our pitcher of beer in a old worn out pitcher. At this point we should have complained, but it is not in our nature. She brings out the pizza and as I get ready to ask for a new plate she is already placing the slice on the noticable hair. She stopped and got me a new one, never apologizing. As we begin to eat our undercooked, barely browned pizza, I noticed a fly that had been smashed still hanging on the wall and became discusted. My husband then noticed the final insult... There was bits of what could only be old food not rinsed out from the dishwashing floating in the pitcher of beer that we had drank out of. Asking for a Manager was a joke. Politly my husband explained all the issues and that we would like our check so we can leave. I assume she was speachless by how utterly terrible this situation was because all she said was ""do you want a box.?"".. No apology, no discount, no remorse for the unhealty condition of her store. It was by far this worst dining enviroment I have EVER witnessed. This place should be closed for unsanitary conditions....
Pros: The most discusting place I have EVER been...
Cons: Dirty and Rude.