Haircut with Robin. This is the worst hair cut I've ever had. I told her specifically I am getting my hair fixed as one side is cut into and thinner than the other. I showed her which side. When she was done I felt one was thinner than the other and pulled my hair forward to show her. She just walked away and said to call her if I had questions and continued on the computer. No thank you, no it looks great. Nothing. I had asked her to cut into the back more to make it piecy. She cut into the side that was already thinner. She admitted this when I came back. She said she cut into the wrong side because that was the side I was pIaying with more. I had asked her to cut into the back. Why wouldn't she look at my hair and feel it before cutting more into the wrong side? I sacrificed 2 inches of my length to fix it and left there in a worse situation. It is as if she wasn't paying any attention. She also cut the underneath of my length an 1 1/2 inches shorter than the top layer. This is bizarre. This looked really funny? I have not idea why. The piecy ends come into two strands pf two piece or four, leaving just lose hairs and making no impact. She admitted this when I came back. There are a lot of loose hairs she said. The layers are not blended or balanced. They are so random and just chopped up and one side is shorter and cut into than the other. When I went back to have it fixed she asked me to tell her what to do. I told her I can't see the back of my hair but wanted it blended and balanced on both sides. She kept insisting for to tell her what to do. She even laughed at one point as if there was something wrong with me. It was very unprofessional and insensitive since I had lost two inches of my length and came to her to fix. She admitted she cut my hair on the wrong side when I came back and then proceeded to tell me it looks balanced even though it wasn't. When you pull it up and one can see one side is thinner and shorter. The owners of Mitchell's and Pump must not care about their quality of service because everytime I step into one of their salons their hair dressers make monumental mistakes. Their charges are outrageous for the service they attempt to give. Robin charged me $53 as she was an Art Director.
Pros: location
Cons: poor quality service