After reading the glowing reviews on citysearch, I decided to try Pump...big mistake. I went there for about a year and a half, tried both 'artistic directors' (i.e. the most expensive) and ended up with a hair disaster 6 months before my wedding. The hair cuts were decent, but the color was botched every time. \r
1) They ONLY want to do partial highlights because they get almost the same amount of money, but only have to do half the work (after a year of partial highlights, I was STILL getting recommended to to partials!). \r
2) My stylist never really listened to what I wanted my hair to look like. I asked several times to get a lighter shade of blonde, but got the SAME dull color every time.\r
3) At my last appointment at Pump (6 months prior to my wedding), my stylist messed up my highlights so badly there were giant chucks that were un-colored, including a huge part at the front of my bangs. When I pulled by hair into a pony tail, it didn't even look like I'd had it highlights. I had bleach spots and stripes all throughout my hair. I had to go back for her to ""fix"" it the next week, but ultimately went to another salon to get it fixed. \r
Obviously, when you pay so much for the service (>$200), you expect that you are getting hair & color experts, this just isn't the case at Pump anymore. All I can guess is that the stylists that made this salon great have all left since the glowing reviews posted here. \r
Don't loose hope though, try Kelly Whitaker at Salon Concepts if you are looking for great color and cuts at a VERY reasonable price.
Pros: Easy to get an appointment
Cons: Overpriced and terrible color!