I've been going to TapTap for probably 4 years now. More so in the last 2 years. Decor, atmosphere and drinks are top notch. A sip of Le Rhum Barbancourt on the rocks or a tall Mojito makes the cut all of the time.
Where TapTap drops the ball, is with the food. Most dishes outside of the Griot or Spinach, is a gamble. I think they go thru chefs on a regular basis. Some days/nights you get a dish that's 101% great that you rave about and refer to your friends and relatives. Then next month, it taste about as lame & exciting as a cup of cold soup off the streets of Port-de-Paix.
The music is always A+, and the band really let loose when Manno is out of town. The place also has great air with little to no smokey feel. Never too hot or too cold.
Areas of improvement , would be to change up the menu, brings back some of the more ethic foods and keep the good chefs. Also bring back the taller stools.
Pros: Spinach in coco sauce, grilled goat shoulder ,music
Cons: slow food service, the chefs R not consistent