Our dog was treated at OAH after other vet recommended putting her down. We managed to keep her another 2 yrs. During this period we pretty much saw same dr (Sartor,very compassionate). When we got a new dog, we retd to OAH for routine visits. I asked that whomever we saw, wud be our doctor all the time. Now we have 2nd dog & was told doctor is no longer w/practice. Bottom line, you will receive quality care for yur pets,but it won't be cheap, however if you want to establish any kind of relationship w/doctor, then probably won't happen here. I'm researching new vet now & see that many intern at OAH, then move on, this explains why so many of their doctors are all business, push for tests & incompassionate. They probably won't ever see you again, so they don't care! I will admit that i argued some chrgs when 1st dog was hospitalized & was given a credit. Example of chrgs, OAH ofc visit is $93, our cats' vet chrgs $69, others in my town chrg as low as $45. I wud use OAH for serio