If you have done your propert research and due diligence, you will discover that hands down Renttoday.us is superior above any management company I have surveyed thus far. I am an avid real estate investor and have homes all over Southern California in which I rent out through management agencies. I am alwasy on the lookout for great companies and I have talked to almost all of the firms in the area. I found Renttoday.us on craigslist through one of their many rental ads and was intrigued by their marketing style and fresh approach to the business. I spoke in great lengths to one of their account executives who was very patient, took me through thier entire process, and was able to email me a large amount of information including rental comps, the actual management contract, and a large list of FAQ's. Their fees are significantly lower than every other company I have used, their services are very comprehensive and I have not found a hidden fee to date! They are very upfront with all costs, scenarios, and do not attempt to paint an overly rosy picture of how the rental process works. I have really enjoyed working with Renttoday, they are true professionals and other companies should take a page out of their playbook. I would recommend Renttoday.us to anybody who is looking for a property management company.
Pros: Best service in Property Management