I leased a vehicle from Nissan, was behind no more than two months on my payment. They repossessed my vehicle!!! What are my options? They never informed me of this, and I thought 90 days or longer was the norm instead of the exception!!! To top it off, had to have a cosigner, they are strong arming the cosigner for the difference of the vehicle's price after they wholesaled the thing. I was told since it was within the year of my original lease, they could get their money up front then press legal papers to get the money from me for the rest!!! What arrogance. After owning a Nissan/Infiniti for 20 yrs, that is how the treat customers!!!! NEVER AGAIN!!!! With the economy in its' sad state, and the automotive business having a tough time, one would think this company would be a little understanding. NEVER FINANCE THROUGH THESE BONEHEADS!