I put my son in karate thinking it would be good, yes the exercise is good for him, but its a scam. All they want is money everytime you turn around they make you buy something that is manditory. after paying a large amount up front to sign up they continue to nickle & dime you to death. Your buying belts for your kids ever 2 months, I dont see how these kids excell in belt ranks when they cant really do the martial arts things or a simple pushup. They just go with the motions. I see small children that are 1st & 2nd degree Blackbelts that do not know anymore than a white belt kid, & who also cant do push ups or sit ups correctly. Now Come on, they keep passing this kids to higher belts every other month when they force you to pay another $50. These people are FONY / FAKE Martial Artists. Do your self a favor if looking for a karate school stay away from victory, Find a real Martial Arts School. I am taking my loss of thousands of dollars $$$$$ and putting my son in a real school.
Pros: excersise for kids
Cons: $$$$$$$ every time you turn around they want more $$$$$$